Faith...not just for religion anymore

I like the message below.  It reminds me to have faith and that I have strength (whether at the ready or somewhere to be summoned) to deal with the life that is mine.  I particularly like the part about wanting change but also wanting a certainty with that change.  Can't happen folks.  And the sooner I relinquished my white knuckled grip around trying to figure everything out (here's where leaving perfectionism on the side of the road comes in as well) the sooner I became more comfortable with the little surprises life has in store for me.

They're not over - they're never over.  And thankfully I find this reality exciting rather than scarey or daunting.  What do you feel about it?




We pray for change, or we ask for things to shift, or we ask for a better life or for The Uni-verse to help us out. And yet, at the same time, we stop our blessings.

We don't stop our blessings because we aren't blessed; we stop our blessings because we do not trust The Uni-verse or ourselves to let go and let The Uni-verse work a little magic on our behalf. Many times people who say they have "faith" are just asking for a blueprint of how their life will change - and when we don't get that perfect and certain blueprint, we feel like The Uni-verse is ignoring us. This just isn't true. Perhaps, The Uni-verse has shaken us to awaken us. Perhaps when we look around and see that our life is unstable and pray to The Uni-verse to stabilize it, we look around and finally see that it's The Uni-verse who is doing the shaking.

We pray for change. Yet we fear change. Many times the type of change we want is certain change with a known outcome - but that's not how the game works. My friend and mentor Tony Robbins said it best: "The quality of your life is DIRECTLY related to the amount of UNCERTAINTY you can comfortably handle."

Ain't that a beyotch?

We have faith the MOMENT we take a step out into the unknown - even if - and especially if - we are terrified to do it. That is what faith is all about. And consider, that the crazy and unforeseen things that happen in your life are preceding something amazing. Maybe this is exactly how it had to be, so that your prayer COULD be answered. Maybe this thing that seems like a disaster, or not fair or something totally scary IS the answer to your prayer. And instead of asking for a lighter load, perhaps it's time we have more emotional muscle.

It takes balls, guts and total belief to walk on the Path. Because the further along you go, the bigger the test is. Remember this: wherever you doubt - THERE is the edge and limit of your faith. Maybe you trust The Uni-verse to help you find a parking lot, yet you fret about the rent. Perhaps you trust The Uni-verse to provide a moment of synchronicity when a friend calls you right as you are thinking about them, but you don't trust The Uni-verse to deliver to you the perfect romance at the perfect time.

The goal is to surrender it ALL! To let it ALL GO and detach from the outcome and step into the unknown, knowing that you are guided and you are safe. And that even in the middle of the crazy shit that goes down sometimes, it's all a divine soup that is creating the perfect outcome for you right now, even if you can't see that in this moment.

This isn't to say that you shouldn't try, aim, set goals or achieve. I'm just saying that it's time to let go of the outcome and not focus on the how. I'm saying it's time to see the world with faith goggles, so that when things go crazy or a change comes that you weren't expecting, you'll be able to apply the meaning of faith and grace to the situation, instead of giving it the meaning that you should give up and turn back.

Keep the faith-based mindset and see the chaos as what precedes a miracle.


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