This is what happens!

So THIS is what happens when someone (me, for example):

1) is bored
2) just receives money won on a game show
3) and has a sweet tooth

They may look small and harmless but they are…well, they are some good sh$%# baby crow. I thought I was going in for only 1 cupcake to the recently opened Magnolia’s on Third Street in West Hollywood/Los Angeles/Beverly Hills adjacent.

Clearly by this photo you see that I did not stop at just 1. Perhaps because I’ve been poisoned by my time at Bon Appétit magazine. Poisoned you ask? Yes, NOW after having been under that spell for over 5 years I have this odd, almost perverse desire to TRY all kinds of food if only so I know for myself what it tastes like. Cut to me being line at Magnolias and seeing a few of the cupcake flavors I’ve never tried. I mean why should I when I know which is the best (see below for more info.) However I decided to buy the following:

Devils food/chocolate
Lemon w/lemon filling w/meringue frosting
Red velvet (say no more)
And to round off a clean half dozen 2 vanilla/vanilla

Do they look yummy? Yes! Do they look a little “high end”? Ummm, Yes! (see proof of purchase below)

Magnolia’s, for those of you who don’t know, is a very popular bakery in the West Village in New York City. It’s been touted as being responsible for starting the “cupcake craze” of the 1990s. History and information aside, here is the fact to know: their vanilla/vanilla (vanilla cake with vanilla frosting) cupcake is beyond this world. Truly. Granted, Los Angeles…nay Beverly Hills has its Sprinkles but NOTHING compares to Magnolias.

I’m only keeping myself to a half of cupcake a day (see proof below)

Believe me it will be hard. Maybe I won’t like the other flavors as much. Uh huh, yeah…right. And maybe monkeys will fly right out of my butt.


The new spokesperson for Moo & Oink


  1. Damn! Why can't I see the photos?!?!?

  2. hmmm...cupcakes must be in the air. I just purchased a dozen from a schmancy place on Wabash for Hermacio's birthday last Thursday.

  3. The pictures didn't show up for me, but Moo and Oink indeed!


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