A good day

Isn't it nice when good days happen? They're a nice treat, right? Today I had a good day. As some of you know, in addition to 2 days last week I'm "subbing" as the executive assistant to Bon Appetit's Editor-in-Chief all this week. Things have been going well. It's just good to get positive feedback. And to get up with somewhere to go - yeah, it's a nice feeling even if it's only for this week...and maybe next. Oh yeah, and the great "welcome back" I received from former colleagues. It reminded me how much I liked them all - especially the gals in the kitchen.

Add to that this GREAT news: I found out today that UCLA is awarding me a grant for the fall quarter. I will happily be taking New Media Reporting on Monday nights starting September 27. I'm very, very excited. While this is only class 3 in a certification that is about 15 classes long it's all about taking one step at a time. I'll just be glad to be back on campus with the rest of my fellow co-eds. See y'all at the student union. :)

Finally, the night ended on a really great up note as I attended the Glee season premiere screening and party. Thanks to my good friend Monte (who does hair for the show) I attended as his guest. The episode was one of THE best episodes I've ever seen of the show. At the party I shook hands with and met John Stamos (actually a personal friend of my friend Monte AND who will be on the show this season), the ditzy blonde cheerleader/cheerio, the principal of the show and 2 of the new characters introduced in the first episode - they're fab! After picking up our goodie bag on the way out (which included DVDs of the entire first season) I snapped a pic or two to prove I was there. (see images below)

But I think the best part was when the guy who played Finn spotted me early in the evening. I was outside the hair and make up trailer on my own waiting for Monte and I saw Finn walking my way. I noticed that what he was wearing was similar to what I was wearing. He walked over to me and was all "I guess we should have called each other." I was all "Yeah, we kind of have on the same thing. I'm Don." He' s all "I'm Corey." We shook hands. And then I'm all thinking - DUH, uh yeah you are Corey.

Very sweet.


  1. Sounds like a great day. I love when that happens.

  2. YAY Don! I love Finn. And, I named my Finn, Finn, prior to even seeing one episode of Glee. Weird. What an awesome day, indeed.

  3. "Isn't it nice when good days happen?"...."to good people" is what I would add to that sentence.
    A fantabulous day indeed and so happy for you.
    Did you see any SYTYCD peeps there? I thought I saw some of them tweeting that they were going.
    Did you give Corey your phone number so that he could call you next time to check on your outfits??

  4. "one of THE best episodes" of Glee....is that like the tallest midget? Well, at least it was a good day in your mind. That's all that matters!

  5. I am so jealous! I will be following you to these premiers when I move to LA. So GET ready!

  6. well, I am impressed and proud as always...and someday I hope to be back there this time of yr to attend some type of post party of sorts...:-)

  7. well I am impressed and proud as always....and hope to be able to attend some Post Event w/ you again someday :-)

  8. Very nice Don. It is always great to read your blog.

    One can tell from your writing that you were writing with a smile!

    Best of luck on the 27th, I'll be cheering for you.


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