First Quarter 2006

Hello to family and friends. I know, I know it’s been quite a while, hasn’t it? I wish I could say there’s been a lot going on…so I’ll say it: there’s sorta been a lot going on. I’m not sure how funny or entertaining it will all be but I’ll try to bring you all up to speed.

The holidays in Chicago were all they needed to be…and quite a bit more. I was lucky enough to have time in the burbs with my family and precious time in the city with my friends and then a bit there by myself. I am always reminded of the beauty of Chicago and urban living every time I go back home to visit. I miss that lifestyle and long for it from time to time. I’m sure all I need are some back to back to back days of the wretched weather that IS Chicago in the winter to have me (to quote Cher in Moonstruck) – SNAP OUT OF IT – but for now the city has all the allure and romance as any place does where one does not currently and/or permanently reside.

The holidays here in LA had me performing as a back-up dancer to, small worldly enough, two Chicago based drag queens in a cabaret style show entitled “Jesus, Booze and Kwanza.” A moment for any of the conservative readers to catch their breath, pick themselves up off the floor or look up one or more words in that sentence. The show was fun and silly and I’m glad I did it. Not only was it something to do before leaving for the holidays but it also resulted in my being cast as lead dancer/dance captain for a show they did the month of February called The Liza and Lorna Show” where they portrayed none other than Judy Garland’s daughters (from different marriages obviously) Liza Minelli and Lorna Luft. That 5 weekend run was great fun. We danced in numbers ranging from “Score Tonight” from Grease 2 to “Mein Herr” from Cabaret. Very fun…yes, very fun. And due to that last number mentioned I now have a better respect and appreciation for girls who get up and dance in little laced panties and fishnets – enough said. Ok…on to something else…ahh, yes, New Years Eve. New Years Eve was spent with 103 temperature AND performing in a 1:30 am show dressed as a Jewish Rabbi for drunken Russian Jews. I know, I know – muy tres very glamorous. How do I do it, right? Or was that question WHY does he do it? J It was fun, something I did with 2 other friends AND was paid $200. It went toward the redecorating fund…

Which brings me to the homebody projects I’ve been working on. Thanks to the decorating genius of HGTV’s own Candice Olson/Divine Design (whose tag at the end of each show is: How {pause} divine) and Kenneth Brown/Redesign I started and have almost completed an overhaul of my apartment. It all started with a window treatment from Restoration Hardware – that was my inspiration piece. After finding and settling on that the rest fell into place which resulted in getting rid of everything but the TV and armoire (which will be stained a dark brown and have its hardware changed.) So, yeah, everything else – sofa bed, chair, tables, entire dining room AND 10 chairs (yes, I had 10 chairs…well, in Chicago I had more than 1 occasion to have at least 10 people around my dining room table therefore the need for them) – gone. The transformation is almost complete: walls are painted, living room window treatments up, art on the walls, etc. I just have to put up the window treatments in the dining room and put the new table and chairs in there and then presto – complete. Next up – the bedroom. I’m very happy with the results and am anxious to have a little “roll out” cocktail party to show off the place.

Now this next little story may sound silly or it may not. I found it to be terribly frustrating. Here’s what I’ll say first: if you think that J-walking tickets are an urban myth in California, think again. They are real and they are also real…expensive to boot. Picture it: a Saturday afternoon, I’m having a late lunch with a friend when I realized (no, not THAT…inside joke for those who know the OLD story that starts…when I realized…) that I didn’t pay my parking meter. Not wanting to get a parking meter ticket (since these meter maid {nod to Josh} are ticket happy) I ran out of the restaurant and across the street to my car. For those of us from a REAL city, running across a street safely is second nature. For the bored and brainless in Southern California this act is completely out of the question. No sooner did I land safely on the sidewalk on the other side of the street did 2 policemen pull over and begin the process. Initially I was thinking: “How could they see that my meter is expired from SO far away and don’t they know I’m coming here to put a freaking quarter in it? Sheesh!!” Alas, that was not the case. To make a long story short (too late) I was given a ticket. When I asked how much it was or could I pay it over the phone I was told, “I’m not allowed to answer any questions about the ticket. Please call the number on the back or appear in traffic court on the date on the ticket.” All I can say is thank goodness for me that there was a pay by phone option. If I had to appear in court I would have given an official statement on the record which would have included my suggestions on how to better use the time of the men in blue etc etc. Of course that would have landed me in the clink so, as I said before, thank goodness for the pay by phone option. By the by, the cost of a J-walking ticket: $114.00. Oh, that is unless you pay by phone, then it’s $124.00…you know, $10.00 “convenience fee.” I’m all riled up just thinking about it!!

I’ll be spending Easter in Las Vegas with Jim and Greg as they graciously open their home to me and Kris and Jenny. Thankfully I haven’t given anything crazy up for Lent so the ease out of it will be relatively painless for all. I’m coming back to Chicago to execute a friend’s wedding the first weekend of May. The first three weekends of June I’ll be in a musical called “The Wild Party.” We haven’t started rehearsals yet but from what I can gather it looks to be pretty fun. After that I’m going to audition for Guys and Dolls at the theatre where I did Music Man last year. I hope to be cast in something good, other than just the core. Memo to self: rent Guys and Dolls since I’ve never seen it. Uh huh, never saw it. I had to do the same thing for Music Man last year. I know, my card should be revoked! J

No big plans for my birthday THIS year, however NEXT year when I turn 40 I plan to have quite a cele-bray-shee-o-nay; a few in fact. One involves a family trip that I’ve threatened my family with and asked them to promise to make happen. Just think – the entire family on a vacation together…all honoring me. J But seriously, I’m looking forward to this family trip very much and should it fall through or anyone NOT show up… well…let’s not cross that ugly bridge at this time. Other trips will be planned with other friends and the year of 2007 from January to December will be one of happiness and celebration!!

And last but not least – the love life. Usually I have nothing to report but I’ll share something here not because I want to incite email responses and questions about it but because I know my friends care about me and ask me about this part of my life. In a nutshell I will say that over the past 6 months I’ve enjoyed the ups and suffered the downs of finding myself in love with someone. Leaving the particulars of the situation out I will say that despite my current state of heartbrokenness I am feeling due to the realization that this could not go anywhere (now? Later? Who knows…) and the decision to end the romantic aspect of our relationship, I am left hopeful about love. To my friends, know that I experienced love and felt something wonderful in return. I haven’t felt this way for quite some time and it was, if nothing else, an excellent reminder of what romantic love feels like. Despite the negatives that only a deep emotions may bring I highly recommend it; love that is. I am sad now but know that time will provide me what I need to heal. I also know that this is happening for a reason. Perhaps one day I’ll know it. Until then I am content to quote a line from a popular movie where a truly romantic character says “I would rather have thirty minutes of wonderful than a lifetime of nothing special.” Thankfully it was longer than thirty minutes and truly wonderful.

Thank you all for reading (for those of you that got this far). Please respond with what you’re doing these days. I’m always so happy to get responses to this update with updates from my family and friends. I hope you are all well.




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