Second Quarter 2006

When last we spoke/you read I was rehearsing for a production called “The Wild Party.” It ran for 3 weekends in June and was an absolutely wonderful and life altering experience. I was challenged during that production both personally and professionally. Professionally speaking I became re-introduced to tap dancing. It had been about 18 years since I’d tapped let alone performed/been in a tap number and therefore even wore my tap shoes. Despite the amount of time between tap numbers I have to say I ended up sounding pretty good. In fact, either as a result of another dancer’s inability to learn a tap duet with me or a changed mind on behalf of the director/choreographer I ended up with a tap solo. Uh huh – me, a tap solo. Imagine. There I was tapping on top of a bar in my tux, spot lit for all to see and hear. Thank goodness the band played loudly and I “sold” the number from the waist up – just like ALL good tap cheaters are taught. But that aside I was lucky enough to have another dance solo in the production as well as was a part of some great ensemble production numbers. I mentioned that I would be auditioning for “Guys and Dolls” but due to personal issues with the choreographer I decided against that. Even though I’m going to miss out on performing with friends I think I’ll be better off mentally and emotionally.

From “The Wild Party” I auditioned for the role of understudy for “You’re A Good Man, Charlie Brown.” The audition when well and I was offered, and took, the part of understudy for all the male roles: Charlie Brown, Linus and Schroeder. Because I was late in getting into the cast I spent a lot of time teaching myself the music from the show using the original Broadway cast soundtrack from the 1999 revival. I went to each show religiously each Saturday to remain familiar with the production and just in case any of the male actors happened to slip on any banana peels I may or may not have dropped backstage. Just kidding…there wasn’t a backstage. The production wrapped last weekend and though I didn’t have the chance to ever perform any part I feel I gained a lot just from learning the music/score and am now familiar with the production should another opportunity for “You’re A Good Man, Charlie Brown” come along.

On the subject of performances, in April I was back in Chicago to perform with the Bottle Dancers (a troupe I perform with out here from time to time) at a Bar Mitzvah. If plans go accordingly I should be flown back in September for another gig. Not a bad deal – get flown back to Chicago for an opportunity to see family and friends, perform a little and get paid for it as well. There’s also talk that there might be a possible gig the following weekend in September as well so hopefully that will happen and I can come back to Chicago for another weekend. Also, with regard to this troupe, I just did a gig with them in San Diego this past weekend. It took 4 hours to get there (it was only supposed to take 2) and less than an hour to perform. Because it took so long to get there I was literally RUNNING to the stage while finishing putting on my costume. Amazingly enough my beard, which I had to double-stick tape in record time, did not come off during the performance. Also, the hat that was “left” for me to use was so old and worn that I worried about the bottle staying steady during the performance. But you can all breath easily; I successfully balanced the bottle on my head – knee drags and all!

Speaking of travel I’ve done only a little since my last update. I was in Las Vegas for Easter with friends – it was magnificent. Went to Chicago in May to execute a friend’s wedding. She was beautiful, the day was beautiful – everything was beautiful. I was honored that she asked for my help. To be honest, it felt good to be back in the role of event planner for the day. Would I ever go back to that as a career? I’m not quite sure but I think it’s best never say never. July found me in … Chicago – again – but this time as a guest of my little sister’s in-laws. They flew me out and we had some great family time together over the 4th. My niece Morgan is drop dead gorgeous and I fall in love with her more and more each time I see her. From Chicago I went right to New York where I spent time with Josh and Jenny. These were great days and nights spent just running around the city. There’s something about me in an urban environment – I get so much energy from it. Whether it’s Chicago or New York I seem to thrive in the big city. There was a lot hanging out and doing nothing but the highlight would have to have been seeing Avenue Q on Broadway. It was magnificent. A genius formula, really: Musical theatre + puppets & live actors on stage = genius performance. What else is there to say? It really is a must-see if it comes out on tour to a city near you. Last summer I sang the praises of Wicked, which I still do, and the summer before that is was Hairspray. Run out and treat yourself to a musical sometime. It, like milk, does the body and soul good.

I have nothing on the horizon as of yet with regard to upcoming performances. I have been out to a few auditions here and there, some for live stage theatre and others for small independent and/or student films. Nothing has come of anything yet. This week I have an audition for a game show with another game show audition on the horizon if I can coordinate a day and time. I have to say that the break from rehearsing and performing is a bit nice. If I look back on the calendar I see that I’ve gone from project to project starting with rehearsal back in March of 2005. So, yeah, I guess a break is kinda nice. It’s just that not having had one for so long I feel like I’m forgetting to be somewhere, doing something. In the meantime I drive out to Pasadena on Wednesday nights for Pasadena Dance Theatre for a great ballet class. It’s an hour drive there and only a half drive back. The class is worth it though. My Saturday morning class is only 10 minutes away, so that’s nice. If I could just get 1 more class in a week I’d be happy.

The work section has been removed to protect the innocent, sorry folks. And it's really too bad because there were some good things in this section this time. dp

Sidenote and unrelated to anything: I saw Nicole Kidman at Starbucks one morning at 7:45 am looking beautiful without a lick of makeup. Whatever.

The last time I wrote was in March and looking back at the last 5 months I would say they were pretty dark. Reading that you might think “Oh, that’s so awful.” Well, it was but the great part of that statement is that those 5 months WERE dark and these days I’m feeling a little lighter…lighter and lighter each day. I started seeing a therapist about 3 months ago. As it turns out I’ve uncovered that Jeremy was not the cause of my depression, merely a symptom. There are plenty of things that have contributed to my current state of emotional affairs and each week I become better acquainted them. And even though (to paraphrase an old song) “I’ve only just begun…” it does feel good to know that I’m working towards figuring things out and feeling better each week. I want to say thank you to all of you who have offered words of comfort and support to me over that last few months - you know who you are. Your words helped me through some very tough times and I’ll be forever grateful. Something else helped me through my touch time and that is a book by Iyanla Vanzant called: “One Day My Soul Just Opened Up.” Since it’s literally a 40-day journey I decided to pick it up as my Lenten promise. Whether it was the book or just where I was in my life at the time – it really spoke to me. I highly suggest it for anyone who is feeling a little out of sorts. Rather than go into my interpretation of the book read the book jacket the next time you’re in Borders or the like. You’ll find it in the Self-Help section. It was extremely helpful to me and my journey.

While in therapy last week, on my birthday as a matter of fact, I mentioned that a year ago on my birthday seemed to mark what I’ve referred to as “the beginning of the end.” Looking back I can see here was a lot of change that began on my birthday and so, in retrospect I think of that day as a sort of turning point – for better or for worse. My therapist then asked how I felt this year. Feeling sad at that moment but stronger as a whole I said: “I think this year could mark the END of the end. Or, maybe I’ll call it the beginning of the beginning.” If you can conceive it you can achieve it, right? So that’s what I conceived that day. And you know, it’s kinda made a difference. Each day is either a little better or sometimes just ok…but not BAD or at least as bad as the bad days of a few months ago were. And that means progress to me. And progress means my emotional state is positive. And a positive emotional state is what I want and need in my life right now so that’s what I’m concentrating on.

I hope this email finds my family and friends well; physically, emotionally and mentally. At this point I’m not sure what my holiday travel plans are. I might be back in Chicago for Christmas, I might not. If I am I hope to visit with some of you as there is nothing more that makes coming back to Chicago special than spending time with the people I love. Write me back and say hi and let me know what’s going on in YOUR life.

Until then,


Ps I buzzed all my hair off last month. It was a little terrifying but oh so freeing. Getting ready time has been reduced to nothing. The flatiron has been retired…at least for now. Never say never, right?


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