First and Second Quarter 2005

Greetings to all – family and friends alike. In order to manage expectations I’ll say that I’m not sure there’s TOO much to write about this time around BUT… I’ll see what I can drum up.

Working girl

The work section has been removed to protect the innocent, sorry folks. dp

What good is sitting alone in your room?

Come hear the music plaaaaaaaaaaaaay… for those of you missing the musical reference (please don’t admit it if it’s you) I’m in a very small production of Cabaret that goes up the beginning of May and runs 2 weekends. The part is small, chorus, but it’s nice to be a part of a production. There’s some singing and dancing, who could ask for anything more? (Another musical reference …anyone? anyone?) I may or may not be appearing as a Kit Kat Boy in a white half top tied in a knot, black spandex shorty short shorts and combat boots. What I do for my art. And, no, that’s NOT normal outfit for the weekends…anymore. J After the production of Cabaret I’m not sure what’s up. I was invited to take an audition for an upcoming opera – no, not singing – so we’ll see how that goes. And that’s all that’s on the horizon for performing right now. Dancing still remains a part of my week but I’m only going twice a week due to a shortage of good classes around. The question is take bad classes just to have the classes or keep my standards…I’ll keep my standards and keep looking for better classes.

Oh yeah, a few weeks ago I taped a little something for HERE TV. HERE TV is an all-gay cable station that’s going to be offered to more and more cable providers in more and more areas soon. HERE TV was looking for someone to share gay pride stories for their upcoming special “HERE with Pride.” Well, I’m not one who normally really has anything to say but…alright, alright, simmer down now. Any old way, I submitted a story and after a few go-rounds was finally asked to come in a tape my story. After hair and make up (uh huh, yeah 5 hours later ha ha ha) I went to the green room to wait for my time. There they were showing their last special “HERE with Love” – stories of couples telling of how they met, etc. It was really quite lovely and encouraging to see these older gay couples all tell their stories of how they met. Very “When Harry Met Sally” – white background, couple on sofa, camera going back and forth, coming in and out. The stories were so poignant that I started tearing. Not wanting to be in a “state” for my shoot I said: “Would you mind turning this off. I’m very fragile right now.” They did without question, I just love working with gay men. J So, in I went to tell my story (which I have in Word form and can email to anyone who might be interested in reading it. By the way, it’s WAY shorter than THIS email) and right at the very part where I hoped I wouldn’t cry I started getting all choked up. You know, the quivering voice, etc. I was able to keep it under control, no dabbing of tears though now I wish I had done so for real dramatic purpose. But I ended strong and the director and even the sound guy said that it was great. I was contacted by them to let me know that everyone taped will appear on the program and that I will be getting a copy of the entire show on DVD. Pretty cool, huh?

Do you hear what I hear?

If it’s the sound of a baby crying then you might be hearing the melodious voice of my new niece, Morgan Payton Hodgdon. My little sister Rhonda just had her first child on April 5 and the family is very proud and happy. With my brother’s daughter, Kylie, turning 1 this April now I’ll have 2 girls to play Barbies with. Finally a legitimate reason to be looking at Barbies and Barbie clothes at the Tarjay. Here’s an age check: my first-born nephew is graduating from grade school this May. What?! I know. This is what I’m saying already. I remember when I was in 8th grade…flashback to May of 1981…where I should have seen the writing on the wall when I was voted: “Boy most likely to worry about his hair” by my classmates. I know, I know using hairspray even back then…a hair hopper of my generation. Not to mention fashion forward, I was the only guy NOT in a dark suit as dictated by Sr. Mark (the principal). What was I wearing? A very stylish off white, in some photos it looks creamy yellow, suit. Look out GQ. Light blue shirt, striped tie and, get this, oxblood patent leather loafers. I was so all that. A slave to fashion even then. Who knew Sears would have such fashion available?

Speaking of school, I have my 20-year high school reunion coming up in August. I, of course, will be attending. I mean, the guy voted “Most School Spirited” cannot NOT show up. It would be a scandal. I’ll have to write about the goings on of that event next time.

I guess that’s a wrap, as we say in the biz. I hope to connect with all my Chicago friends when I’m in town in August for the reunion or perhaps even sooner if I come out for Morgan’s Christening or Ryan’s graduation. I’ll let you all know if that happens. Until then, please feel free to email me your own updates so I know what’s going on with all of you.



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